Review of Christ’s Enthronement at God’s Right Hand

I am thrilled to see in print a review of my second book, Christ’s Enthronement at God’s Right Hand in Its Greco-Roman Cultural Context, in the Spanish journal Antigüedad: Religiones y Sociedades, which the University Carlos III of Madrid publishes!

The author of this review is Juan Louis Caballero of the University of Navarra. His review is well-balanced, gracious, and it accurately summarizes my findings. In the end, he concludes of my work:

“In short, Burnett’s work is rigorous and balanced, and helps to illuminate the fact that the dissemination of Ps 110:1 among the first Christians is due to the effort to present the message in cultural terms familiar to the Greco-Roman world”

(En definitiva, el tra-bajo de Burnett se presenta riguroso y equilibrado, y contribuye a iluminar el hecho de que la difusión de Sal 110,1 entre los primeros cristianos se debe al esfuerzo por presentar el mensaje en términos culturales familiares al mundo greco-romano).

Caballero, “Review Burnett,” p. 500 (

Thank you, Prof. Caballero, for the time and attention that you gave to my work! This is a great reminder that scholarship is not only a conversation with voices from the past (be they literary or material) but also with present voices spread all over God’s green earth!